Emergency Treatment

~ just what the doctor ordered ~

Dental emergencies come in all shapes and sizes. Some involve pain from slow-moving problems like gum or tooth infections, and some are related to problems that work more quickly like an unscheduled rendezvous between your mouth, some ice, and parking lot.

Regardless of the cause, pain is a real pain. No one wants to spend a lifetime, a week, or even a day in pain. And no one has to. Dental pain doesn't need to be a part of your day-to-day and we make it our priority to help you get back to a pain-free.

As anyone familiar with the taste of a socket wrench can tell you, not all emergencies involve pain. Some have no pain at all but can be real eye-sores when a mouth is one tooth short of a full smile. 

We don't make it our job to rank emergencies  or ____ we just make it our job to understand that an emergency to you is an emergency, no matter how big or small it might seem.